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Release 1.2 progress

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby Alensia » 20 Dec 2010, 02:11

So this upcoming release (1.2, 1,3?) will be compatible with Cataclysm? Will it be possible to update the current directly to the new version and will DKP data be lost in the process? And how soon can we expect it? Thanks in forehand, you're doing amazing work!

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby Blazeflack » 20 Dec 2010, 07:05

I haven't been keeping track of the progress on github lately as christmas kinda takes up IRL time a lot at the moment.
I'm 90% sure that bbdkp 1.2 will support the cataclysm changes and I'm 100% sure that you will be able to upgrade from the latest and not lose any data in the process (not intentionally atleast :p )

I think I saw Sajaki mention something about a release this weekend but I could be wrong. In any case expect a few delays as Sajaki might be caught up in christmas stuff aswell.
Please don't PM me for support. Create a new topic with your question, this way everyone gains from the information shared.

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby Seise » 28 Dec 2010, 16:23

Any updates on eta?
(I know, it takes the time it requires, but just to know if we should or not to implement other things before starting to raid at next week's Wednesday)

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby s3thus » 04 Jan 2011, 05:16

any chance for info about realease (especially epgp implementation)?
thanks in advance

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby Sajaki » 06 Jan 2011, 17:57

here's a little progress report.

The raidplanner is mostly done, i'm now doing the signing up with guildchars part.

For bbdkp, i've redone the foreign key relations in the core tables.

Now im adding time calculation, decay and PR to the core system.

The decay value will be set in the ACP prefs as a percentage, applied on Effort points, where

Code: Select all
EP = Effort points = Earned raid value + time values + zero sum bonus.

Code: Select all
GP = Gear points = Item value

So If we choose to apply the decay value as a function of time passed, it will be applied n times on EP and GP.

mathwise, this is :
Code: Select all
r = raid value
n = age of raid in weeks
i = decay percentage
d = decay value  = 1- (1-i)^n
k = raid decay = r * d 

This is based on compound interest calculation.
decay1 = 1 - (1-i)
decay2 = 1 - (1-i) * (1-i)
decay3 = 1 - (1-i) * (1-i) * (1-i)
... and so on.

example :
Code: Select all
r = raid value = 200
n = age of raid in weeks = 2
i = decay percentage = 10%
d = decay value  = 1- (1-i)^n  =>  1 - (1-0.1)^2 => 0.19
k = raid decay = r * d  => 200 * 0.19 = 38

Raid after decay = 200 - 38 = 162

the same applies to itemcost, i.e gearpoints.

the PR ratio will in theory be unaffected by decay since the nominator and the denominator will offset eachother.

decay columns were added to the member dkp table, raid table and item table, and some functions that will recalculate decay for the global database. this function is callable through a cron job, and so the decay value could be updated according to a schedule, or be called through a button by the admin.

i'm also converting long sql procedures into transaction blocks. So if an sql fails, nothing is committed.

you can follow progress at /bbDKP/commits/develop

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby sedrikk » 06 Jan 2011, 18:20

Some nice changes. Thanks for the update.

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby Sajaki » 16 Jan 2011, 13:26

zerosum, time, decay and priority ratio calculation settings are now in the general settings.
you will be able to combine them as you like.


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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby sedrikk » 18 Jan 2011, 03:10

Sajaki wrote:zerosum, time, decay and priority ratio calculation settings are now in the general settings.
you will be able to combine them as you like.

I am assuming the decay will decay the total current dkp, and not just base values of raids attended.

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby Sajaki » 18 Jan 2011, 12:50

yes, I think decay should be on both raid earnings (time points, bonus, zerosum), minus item costs.

however i think the adjustment points should not be decayed. so the decay will not quite be calculated on total current dkp as that will include any adjustment.

the adjustments are there for setting your "base ep", etc.

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Re: Release 1.2 progress

Postby sedrikk » 18 Jan 2011, 16:13

Ok, so the added time per person is no longer an adjustment im assuming


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